191217 전화영어
2019. 12. 17. 13:53
to distill [verb] - to draw something out. 증류하다
to dilute : to make a solution less concentrated. 희석하다
to ingest : to consume. 섭취하다
slave : a healing ointment. 연고
to repel : to keep something away. 쫓아버리다
galore : in abundance. 많은 풍성한
bark [noun] - the outside part of a tree trunk. 나무껍질
to fractionate [verb] - to separate a mixture by fractional distillation. 분류하다
concoction [noun] - mixture, blend. 혼합물
petals - one of the soft, colorful parts of a flower rose petals. 꽃잎 (발음)
arthritis - 관절염